Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shephelah Field Trip

Every week, we go on a field trip.  This field trip was all about going to sites of Old Testament stories.  We went to five valleys for which Brother Huntsman gave us an Anogram:  All Students Enjoy Getting Letters.  Aijalon, Sorek, Elah, Guvrin, Lachish.  I must admit that if you asked me what picture is of what valley, I will not know.  It's hard to keep track when you're going from one valley to the other in a very random order.  But, it was still really great!  Although, it was definitely the hottest day of the summer so far.  It was awful.  But, luckily I had my wonderful sun hat!!!!

Grrrr!!!!  We're so tough!  This is me, Brook, and Dwight acting like Samson who grew up and lived in this valley: Beth Shemesh.

Our class went to a hill that overlooks the location where David slayed Goliath.  So, our class acted out the story of David slaying Goliath.  Here, we have David getting ready to slay Goliath. :)

After Goliath falls dead, David cuts off his head.  Apologies if this image is too graphic.

The field is white and ready to harvest!

So, since we were in Elah, the land of David slaying Goliath, we decided to try to slay some giants ourselves.  Hence the picture of me attempting to throw a stone with a sling.  Keyword = attempt. 

Pretty view of one of the valleys we went to.....not sure which one.

Ruins of a city on a tell that I can't remember.  Oh look!  An archeological find of shards of clay pottery with hebrew inscriptions on them.... let's see what they have to say:

Hmmm...   they definitely knew what's up!
Underground olive oil press!!!!  I mean, that's not cool. ;)

Always work with a smile on your face!  Especially when crushing olives to make olive oil.

They were very industrial back then.  Here, we have an underground pigeon farm.  The pigeons were used for three things:  sending messages, sacrifices, and their dung made good fertilizer.

Mis amigas en la factoria.  aka pigeon farm

We make great pigeons.  We would have been grade AAA birds I think.

Cool underground water cistern we went in.  We had a little musical program at the bottom.  It sounded really awesome!

Welcome to the Bell caves!  Why they're called that, I do not know.  

Yay for caves!

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